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sAsB sCsD sEsF sGsH sIsJ sKsL sMsN sOsP sQsR sSsT sUsV sWsX sYsZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
film projector & square 42
fine DREAMING +globe square 3, 5, 8, 16, 21
fine STAR +square 12
fire care +square 9
first CHOICE +square & arc 16
first class +hand & square 22, 26
first legal +square 45
fish & square 3
fish arcs oval & square 29
fist circle & square 42
flame circle & square 35
flames square & feet 16
floor decor +square 35
flower square & circle 1
flower & square 1, 3, 5, 9, 10, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 30, 31, 32, 34, 36, 42, 43
flower arrows & square 18, 25, 35
flower circle & square 35, 43
flower circles & square 23, 25, 37
flower leaves & square 5
flowers & square 6, 7, 10, 16, 19, 21, 35, 36, 37, 41, 43
flowers arrows & square 26
fm FITMENT +square 12
fm FONMAR +circle & square 7
food LOFT +square 42
food TREE +oval & square 43
for him +square 14
four square 11
four stripes & square 24
fresh & pure +tick & square 1, 29, 30, 31, 32
fresh en fast foods +square 30
funnel in circle & square 34
g +square 9, 36, 37
g +circle & square 7, 8, 9
g +lightning & square 7
g GALAXY +square 16
g GANGULY'S +square 11
g GATEWAY +square 16
g GENERAL +globe & square 16
g GODDYM +square 25
g GOGAN +square 25
g GOLDEN shirts +square 25
g GOLDMANN +square 7
g GRAVITI +square 17, 18
g GREENCITY +square 23, 42
g GREENLAND +square 19
g GREFAS +square 3
g GUASCOR +square 7
g GYNAESEAL +square 10
g SQUARE +square 35
square 36
g lab +square 1, 9
g-series +square 9
g.k. DEVELOPERS +square 37
g.p. +square 11
gd goldwell +square 14
gf GUARNIFLON +square 17
square 26
give me RED +square 9
global FORTUNE +square 39
globe square & arcs 35
globe square & oval 36
globe & square 9, 12, 34, 35, 39
globe hand & square 41
globe triangle & square 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 17, 42
square 42
square 35
goat & square 16
god & square 35
god trident oval & square 34
gold square 34
gold +square 16, 38, 41
gold royal +square 20
gold-40 +drop oval & square 4
good TIMES +square & star 42
good for life +square & arc 5
gp +square 16
gr GRAYON +square 25
gramophone dog & square 9, 16, 25, 28, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45
grand square KUNDLI 37
grand MASTER +square 24
graph & square 41
greek mu +square 9
gurgaon DREAMZ +oval square 36
guru MANTRA +square 41
h +square 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 24
h +square & towers 8
h +circle & square 5
h HAAS +square 35
h HANUMAN +square 11
h HAPPY COMPUTER +square 9
h HAWTHORNE +square 36, 42
h HILTON +square 1
h HOAX +square 25
h HOTEL COMFORT +square 29
h HOTELINE +square 16
h brand +square 12
h hi-tech +square 9
h-t +square 6
hair DOC +arc & square 44
hand & square 1, 9, 10, 25, 36
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